Can I send my lower to  W Inceptions and have you guys engrave it?

Let's be very clear here... we are selling code and all necessary tools to do so with your own desktop CNC. We DO NOT do engraving on site for ANYONE. Furthermore, if you send us a lower changed from 80% in any way, we will destroy it. No questions, no ...but..., no ...well I didn't understand... Nope, don't do it. Nope, don't send us your lowers.


Will it engrave .003 in depth for those darn ATF guys to be happy, especially 'cause, you know, I live in California where our laws just got screwed?

Yep. We engrave starting at exactly .003 deep into the part so, ATF = Happy people. Side note, you can control that on your own also, just by simply (without moving your lower in the machine after running) re running the engraving program. Also note, we can do any image you send, so long as you click the checkbox before ordering.


Can I just run the magazine well area of the skeletonizing code?
Yep, we broke it up into: front left, front right, rear left, rear right so you can choose to run all or some of the code depending on what look you want.


Can you do AR-10 and can I use the same code as I have for my AR-15?
Yep, we now offer .308 engraving. *We do code using Defense Distributed's lowers they have available and highly recommend using those, but customers have seen success with forged lowers also.* No, you can't use the same code as the AR-15. You will not like what happens if you do.


Some pricing is based on a quote for the code on my image I send, what can I expect my pricing to be before I place an order and send an image?
Images come in in very different complexities and some will require much more time in generating your personal code, so we need to take a look at your design or image before we can give pricing on any engraving.

Can I engrave both sides?
We are fully capable of sending good code for left and right side! You let us know which side and what you want, and we'll send you everything in your purchase. Left side engraving will take a little surgery on the plastic fixturing. Please see our Left Side Instructional Video.

Can I engrave over paint, plastic coatings, even anodizing?
Yes, but the grip bolt hole cannot have any chemicals, plastic, or touched by acid in order for the probe to be able to function.

Do I need more than 1 engraving endmill?
No, but due to endmills being a consumable item – because we cannot predict its life expectancy if a crash happens and/or due to regular tool wear – we suggest purchasing extras.

I'm thinking about ordering Personal Program Code. When can I expect to get my engraving code, endmill, and collet?
Here’s how a normal purchase would work:

  • You send us some image you think would either strike fear or resounding awe from other people to put on your lower
  • We spend about 2 business days reviewing your super-duper cool design.
  • We send you a quote for the cost and lead time to produce the code.
  • You think about it over a beer*
  • You decide to go ahead and make the purchase, forgetting any naysayers or people telling you what to do with your own damn money, and choose your shipping method
  • We see you made the purchase, we have a beer in your honor, and get to work making the code for your custom design
  • We finish the code, put it on a usb, and pack it with one free engraving endmill, and one free collet.
  • We ship according to your requested method and speed to shipment
  • You get crazy happy when you get your shipment, read up on the instructions on how to run the code, then run the code, and finally, have a beer* after it’s finished

*Don’t drink beer? Have a cookie. Diabetic? Have a significant other pat you on the back. Single and proud? Find your very own special way to feel happy.


What kind of image file formats can I send for Personal Program Code? Any minimum DPI?
We can use bmp, png, and pdf files and recommend minimum 300 dpi. Also, black and white images are best, grey scale images are good too, color can be used too, but will be a little more difficult to use. Think "lots of pixels," the larger the image, the better the detail comes out.

Does it run using the same code as DD Cut or Grbl?
Yes. The ‘G-Code’ it uses to run the GG is the same language as you should have for milling the trigger wells and side holes, we're just telling the machine to do different functions. We will be using Grbl for now due to ease of starting at any point in the program.

How long does it take to run the engraving program once I get it?
Again, one of those “how complex is the image and how much are you trying to engrave” questions. We’re trying to keep run times between 5 minutes (think ‘FIRE’ and ‘SAFE’ engraving on 1 side) and 2-1/2 hours (think the ‘TEXAS STAR’ design), but can’t guarantee any specific run time and could even run in the 5 hour time frame on more complex designs.

Can I use my own endmill to engrave?
Knock yourself out, but be aware... we setup our code to run what we would expect our endmills to normally be able to handle for a generally acceptable amount of time. Using different engraving tools may affect the look of the engraving itself and performance of the tool you choose. It's hard enough for us to determine how long our endmills can last with what we program, adding your own can make our job providing you a successful program even harder.

Would the code run on GG V1 and V2?
Yes. So long as you haven't crashed your spindle in any way and/or moved the X axis too low and brought it out of calibration, you're good to go.


What if I want my purchase shipped faster than standard USPS?



We ship everything free standard USPS for customer benefit. If you need it faster, please let us know ahead of time and we can ship to speed of your hearts content, but will need to adjust pricing according to UPS ship rates.




Return policy
All sales final, although we may accept returns on a limited basis. Due to the hardware being consumable and very fragile, we cannot ever accept returns on those items. Returns on the code will only be approved by determination of management that code was unsuccessful. 



The data contained in our products of code is believed by W Inceptions, LLC. to be accurate, true, and complete. However, since final methods for use of these products are in the hands of the customer with machines without quality control paperwork and beyond our control, we cannot guarantee that the customer will obtain the results described in any videos and/or literature. We cannot assume any responsibility for the use of these products by the customer in any process which may infringe the patents of third parties. We do not hold responsibility for machines, tooling, or parts damage for reasons listed previous.